Motion Graphics & Video Services

I specialize in e-learning/explainer graphics, puppet animation and text animation in After Effects with additional skills in Premiere Pro, Photoshop, Illustrator, Cinema 4D and Unity. I’m Mac and Windows compatible!

Demo Reels

Motion Graphics, Animation, and E-Learning

Motion Graphics

Here’s just a short look at a few of the Motion Graphic styles I’ve executed.

I’m proficient in Adobe Creative Cloud apps and plugin suites from Red Giant (Trapcode etc.), Boris FX (Sapphire) and Video Copilot (Element 3D etc.).

I’m proficient in scripting and expressions for After Effects.

I’m also fluent in Cinema 4D, and I can produce and engineer audio.


These are some animation segments and ads I did for the Emmy-nominated syndicated TV show “Intelligence for your Life.”

As animator, I was responsible for all the visual gags for each piece I was assigned including concept, image sourcing and preparation, animation and sound effects.

The only input was the host source video, with no other guidance.


Here are some samples of animations I did for online learning courseware.

The segment with jetliners, the plug-and-socket, and the film noir-styled pieces are all my designs.

The rest are animations I executed from designs provided by the client.

Subjects included programming, web development, game development, AI, machine learning and other technical topics.

About Me

My name’s Mike Rainey, and I’m a Motion Graphics specialist with a wide range of supporting skills. If you need someone who can fly solo or integrate with your team, who has great attention to detail and and who creates extra value with a diverse skillset, I’m your man.

I’m a team player committed to the client’s success. I prioritize understanding the client’s vision, working efficiently and bringing all my creative energy to bear in solving problems and delivering outstanding material.

I’m an excellent communicator. I can work collaboratively or individually, under close supervision or with minimal guidance. I take feedback well and am always focused on achieving the client’s objectives.

Let’s Work Together

Want to chat about your project? Send me a message using the form and I’ll get back to you right away.

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